Well well, if the boy’s (BMP) didn’t pull off another great show! Randy’s place was hoping. Yan Zombie had a great set, playing to an anxious crowd. Once the crowds left it was dance time. Everyone revelled to the tunes in the awesome space filled with great local art. As usual there was great diversity within the art, Dan Poison’s new works had some surprising new/old twist, go Dan go! Arin Sieber was there, with Jose in tow. Great to see them both. Overall it was a success with some great art and good times! Thanks BMP! Look forward to the next one! This photo is one of my entries, it is Mal and Pepe! In case you didn’t now, the name of the show was called, La Violenta tormento de art.
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Another great show!
Well, shit has finally hit the fan and I have decided to share my font with you all!
O.k, so I have put much thought in to the release of the poofont, so, now I have decided to share it with all my web friends! If your not familiar with the poofont, well. The site is www.poofont.com, thats were the majority of info and history is. I hoped to share it with you all before, alias, everything was not up to snuff.Poo history a la Arne. About 20 years ago when going to the lew I noticed something odd. When I looked in the white altar I saw a letter that was formed from my poo! I was surprised as much as anyone. So, I took a picture. Well, it wasn’t long after that that I got another one. 20 years later I have compiled all the letters, numbers and most punctuation. Serious! I then with the help of my designer Richard Meyers and my Vector-Man, Chris MacLeay have created the first ever human based, somewhat organic font. The poofont!Just to reasure people that I am not obessed with scat and the outcome was brought on by suprise, as I wasn’t expecting a letter when I first looked in the toilet that fateful day. Being a photographer and a bit of a documentarist, well, I couldn’t not photograph my first fateful poo! By the way, it was the M.Since that day I have created a book, stickers, t-shirts, with much more on the drawing board. I hope to have these items available in the near future. Right now only the font is available, for only $4.99, so, if you have any requests please contact me personally.Thank you so much for your understanding regarding this topic as it is a little weird.cheers and happy pooing.