A showcase for the photography of Arne Gutmann

An end in sight?

Green Lake, Whistler, BC.

Wow, are we seeing the end to lock down? Or, is it just the beginning?

For paddlers it is not the most challenging issue as we usually paddle solo, but, for many, it is. I was thinking about that the other day and wondered on ways to help people enjoy time on the bodies of water solo.

I personally count! Yup! Almost every stroke.

The reason I do that is to maintain uniformity with my paddling. If one paddles 53 times on the left and on average paddles 24 strokes on the right that might develop some issues physiologically. It is pretty important to be conscientious of your strokes and how many you do on each side. I average 20 to 30. I do more when I am crossing a windy section or rougher tides but then I make sure to compensate by doing the same amount on the other when I can.

Another wonderful idea is to take a tally of all the wild life and flora that one sees on their paddle. I like to make sure I focus on breathing as well as smelling the surrounding air. Being on the water usually gives us some unique scents and is wonderful to experience some of the blooming flowers or just the richness of some of the local trees.

Whatever you do, have fun, tap your toes, sing a ditty, just have fun and be safe.

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