A showcase for the photography of Arne Gutmann

Just because it’s solstice time does not mean it is summer.

To show people my lake.
The place I love.

Summer solstice came and went without the usual fanfare.

Not sure if I am getting older or I just do not care about partying like I used too. Staying out late and barking at the moon with the other Solstice celebrating locals, dancing to the late night rythms as they pulse on over sized speakers.

Yup! Did not even watch a movie. Heck, dont even know what we did but I know that it was not eventful or memorable. Otherwise……… The one thing I do know is that I went paddling and I hugged my wife! The two most important things in my life right now. In Summer that is. She obviously wins as the one who gets and deserves more attention, but, you know me buy now.

And just like that we are on to Sup talk. So, got Kahuna’s Elaho model and took that out a bit. Fun little river board that is nimble and fun. Think Porsche on 99.

With out further ado I must wish everyone a great summer and a safe one! Always check the weather forecast, bring sun screen, water, bug spray? food? What ever you think you could need on your summer vay cay you should bring! Nothing worse than thinking of an item or tool or drink that you didnt bring and now regret.

I remember my first Sup multi day and on the first night I realized I under packed my liqour rations. We pulled in the for the first nights camp and I realized that not only did I not bring enough but also flavors. I was not a fan of!! WTF?? I was on one of the coolest adventures ever and I did that. Dumb ass. I vowed from then forward to never do a mistake like that.


That is why planning to me is so important. When things take a turn for the either unexpected or unplanned for happen you will be prepared as best as possible. And be safe while airing on the side of caution, always.

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