Or any other day really. We are in some wild times for most of the world yet here, in my little bubble of a community not dissimilar to Whistler as it rolls on like a modern throw back. Though more secluded and less accessible. Which, I guess works in our favour as an attractant.
The beauty is breathtaking. The sunsets captivating and with everything else nature can give us is here. With being latitude consciense. Zone 8 they say. Weather tolerability level. I like the one where you look out a window.
Surprisingly I find myself laughing at my situation and state, it can always get worse. And the place I reside the same. So far we have been lucky here with but a few. Time could of course change that.
So for the moment I will grab my board and my dreams and head out on the water cruising my cares away. I hope you can as well.
Surf on everyone.