A showcase for the photography of Arne Gutmann

Author Archives: Arne Gutmann

I come from a background in photography and the art's. I have done voice-over work, movie part's and even filmed a few movies. Also a tv host, on air host, stunt extra.

The photography I do and have produced is quite varied from applique to sublimation to platinum and many other forms. I have made cameras for shows. I have also participated in almost 50 group shows and self produced 4 solo shows. I produced and curated 6 group shows. I also worked and studied with some masters in an assistant capacity as well as working with other renowned professionals in the field.

I am a CASI Level II certified Snowboard Instructor who has been living and working in Whistler for 25 years. I was the instructor of the year for the 01/02 season!

The Wild side of Gambier.

If you know Gambier Island you know. It is the largest of the chain of islands in the Howe sound. A beautiful yet turbulent water way at times with wind and wave to challenge the best.

Now I am not saying anything really unique in regards to my abilities, but, I did just solo circumnavigate Gambier. I feel pretty good comparatively. The distance was not the tough bit this time, it was the wind, the swell for a while. Either way it had to be done, weather be dammed. I was going to do it no matter what! It was in my mind to do it and I was going to.

I started off at 8:30am. I quartered the majority of the way to the north point of Gambier. Going by the Bird Sanctuary. Just before the point I started getting a bit of a push from some swell that was driving me there just a little faster. Made it to the backside which was sweet!! So calm and nice. I paddled on.

Then, on entering Andys Bay mother nature decided to slap me in the face with winds that were from 20-25 constant k of demoralizing wind and swell! Cleared that to then get hit with the same thing but worse in New Broughton Bay! The swell was bigger and the water was super sloppy with the rebounding water from hitting the wood barges moored there and around the island. I figured that it took me 3 hours to navigate those two bays! More than likely 20k upwinds in terrible conditions! It was tough! I just moved slowly and methodically. Constantly trying to redirect my line to the safest path through it!!

Finally coming around the south west point of Gambier had me head down and bent to it! I slowly passed West Bay, then Center Bay and Port Graves Bay. Then the deceptively long stretch to get to the end of Halket Bay.

The final push had me dig deep and keep it together as my traps were on fire! The extra work I had to do in the west bays helped tucker me out and burn those muscles something fierce!! Fortuantley I did get some gentle glides back to Lions Bay!!

7.56 hours! 48k! One power bar. 1400ml of water. Thats it!! Yup!! Wicked paddle with many great nature moments to keep me happy and entertained!! What a day and the icing on the cake seems to be to the fact that so far I have not heard of anyone else solo circumnavigating Gambier before!! Nice feather in my cap!!

Ok, whats next? I will have to ask you to wait and see!! Cheers for now while I plan my next adventure!!!

Just because it’s solstice time does not mean it is summer.

To show people my lake.
The place I love.

Summer solstice came and went without the usual fanfare.

Not sure if I am getting older or I just do not care about partying like I used too. Staying out late and barking at the moon with the other Solstice celebrating locals, dancing to the late night rythms as they pulse on over sized speakers.

Yup! Did not even watch a movie. Heck, dont even know what we did but I know that it was not eventful or memorable. Otherwise……… The one thing I do know is that I went paddling and I hugged my wife! The two most important things in my life right now. In Summer that is. She obviously wins as the one who gets and deserves more attention, but, you know me buy now.

And just like that we are on to Sup talk. So, got Kahuna’s Elaho model and took that out a bit. Fun little river board that is nimble and fun. Think Porsche on 99.

With out further ado I must wish everyone a great summer and a safe one! Always check the weather forecast, bring sun screen, water, bug spray? food? What ever you think you could need on your summer vay cay you should bring! Nothing worse than thinking of an item or tool or drink that you didnt bring and now regret.

I remember my first Sup multi day and on the first night I realized I under packed my liqour rations. We pulled in the for the first nights camp and I realized that not only did I not bring enough but also flavors. I was not a fan of!! WTF?? I was on one of the coolest adventures ever and I did that. Dumb ass. I vowed from then forward to never do a mistake like that.


That is why planning to me is so important. When things take a turn for the either unexpected or unplanned for happen you will be prepared as best as possible. And be safe while airing on the side of caution, always.

An end in sight?

Green Lake, Whistler, BC.

Wow, are we seeing the end to lock down? Or, is it just the beginning?

For paddlers it is not the most challenging issue as we usually paddle solo, but, for many, it is. I was thinking about that the other day and wondered on ways to help people enjoy time on the bodies of water solo.

I personally count! Yup! Almost every stroke.

The reason I do that is to maintain uniformity with my paddling. If one paddles 53 times on the left and on average paddles 24 strokes on the right that might develop some issues physiologically. It is pretty important to be conscientious of your strokes and how many you do on each side. I average 20 to 30. I do more when I am crossing a windy section or rougher tides but then I make sure to compensate by doing the same amount on the other when I can.

Another wonderful idea is to take a tally of all the wild life and flora that one sees on their paddle. I like to make sure I focus on breathing as well as smelling the surrounding air. Being on the water usually gives us some unique scents and is wonderful to experience some of the blooming flowers or just the richness of some of the local trees.

Whatever you do, have fun, tap your toes, sing a ditty, just have fun and be safe.

Trying to to be good during the lock down.

Green Lake, Whistler, BC.

I guess since everyone knows what we should be doing we should make the right decisions in these difficult times.

It is very hard for me right now as I love to post photos and videos of me paddling. It seems that that is no longer a good idea. Reason being is that it still promotes the fact of activity. Don’t get me wrong, it is ok to be active and focus on physical activities but, as far as posting those photos, I will have to agree with most that it is not the best idea.

We should concentrate on turning our lens inward, on our lifes now and the limited movements daily. I for one do not want to fear the wrath of the general public for enlisting others to be flagrant in regards to proper distancing protocol. I do want to be active but I think it prudent to be cautious of what we post.

That being said, I will now only post old photos and other seemingly relevant images and text.

All the best to us and let us all get through this together!!

Remember that the time we spend apart now will allow us to be together again tomorrow.

Paddling in and with the snow. Bah humbug.

Rogd. Whistler

Don’t get me wrong. I still love winter and all its blanketing beauty. Taking something dirty and rough, then turning it in to a famous kids movie. Bah Humbug.

The only thing I will complain about is there is to much ice on the lakes. Though, as I have mentioned before on how grateful I am to have what I have.

Have a great day now get out there. cheers

Winter paddling in Whistler.

Well, let me tell you that it sucks! Hahahaha, just kidding but not really. What can you do when everything is frozen from the lakes to the rivers. Lament, thats what. Hahahaha. One could drive down to squamish but, the highway is brutal and why should i drive?

So, its cross training time again!! Had a great swim/train the other with Brent B. Lengths/breath work and under water training like the Hawaiians! Which is basically carrying a rock under water as far as you can. Sounds good to me and can only help, unless I drown. Which almost happened once cuz i got carried away. Fear not, as I just spit some water and kept going. cheers to training in general. Get out there.

#kahunapaddleboards #ryderseyewear #backendgear #southsidediner #kinesysactive #sup #wintersup #hellyhansen #icebreaker #arnetheicebreaker #standuppaddleboard #standuppaddleboarding #nature #whistler #rogd #lookpal #paddleman #whoslookingforathletes

It snowed in Whistler! Time to go paddle boarding.

A beauty winter day in Whistler! And, its not frozen yet.

It is definitely one of the snowiest days so far this season! What a perfect day to go paddle boarding!!

I like it cuz everyone thinks I am crazy. They are like, “Wha? You went paddling today?” Then they ask why I didnt go on the hill on such an epic day? I usually respond with, I rather be paddling.

Most dont get it and think I am silly, but, we all have our passions and loves. Who am I to say winter is a time for skiing but not paddling? Not me. I dont go on the hill much anymore as my focus has shifted and I just really enjoy going paddling. Whether it be winter, fall or whatever season of the year.

Paddling is my jam. I like to paddle in the sun, snow, rain, sleet, what have you. I dont mind. With the advent of dry suits, it just means we can stay out longer and be safer as well. That is a crucial part of the not so fare wheather paddling. But, it is also quite fun to be around people in the winter with all your gear on and your board strapped to the roof of your car collecting snow as people walk by you and go, “Surely you didnt paddle today Arne?” I always smile when they say that.

Some know me to well. Here is to celebrate everyones uniqueness. Cheers and lets go paddle, I mean ski. hahahahaha, Happy New Year everyone! Lets make it a good one!!!  #kahunapaddleboards #ryderseyewear #backendgear #southsidediner #kinesysactive #sup #standuppaddleboard #standuppaddleboarding #wintersup #nature #whistler #altalake #bc #canada #arnetheicebreaker #paddleman #theiceman #lookpal



I think I am one of the happiest and lucky athletes anywhere!

The Beautiful Alpha lake, Whistler.

Reason being, my fav Whistler Diner, South Side Diner in Creekside started sponsoring me in my endeavours! A food sponsor! How the hell lucky is that??!! Very, I would think! I am not meaning to gloat, I would never do that, I am wanting to draw attention towards them and give them and Les thanks!!!! Big thanks!! I really look forward to this relationship as I already love the diner. Now, to have them helping me is beyond!! Thank you again guys and I look forward to many fun days and nights together!! Cheers #southsidediner #diner #comfortfood #whistler #creekside #thebestside #poutine

Follow your dreams and don’t look back.

As that saying goes let those words never leave your side. I know I won’t. Finally, I have acquired a board sponsor! I am completely over the moon to announce that I am partnering with Kahuna Paddle Boards!

They are a locally based company owned by a super talented, devoted, long time local, Steve Legge!

I can not thank him enough for the opportunity to work with him and Kahuna.

Thank you Steve and I look forward to a wonderful time riding your boards for you!!


Impending horror of a polar vortex.

As winter winds bring their chill the suns earlier dances begin. Animals scurry while heat evaporates from the lakes in whispers of summer memories. Meaning one thing, dam drysuit season!

Don’t get me wrong!! I wouldn’t paddle in the winter/fall/spring without it. I also realize that my paddle days are becoming more sparse as the winter starts.

Alas, there are many great days to come and who knows, maybe that elusive late summer? hahaha, probe not but fingers crossed.

Here’s to new adventures and lessons learned.
