A showcase for the photography of Arne Gutmann

Frosty Weather won’t stop me in a Rubber Suit!


Its my least favourite time of the year! Its cold, wet and wild! And….. I have to put on either rubber suits or ones that are rubbery? with some sort of limited breathability.  Man, I long for the summer days when I don’t have to wear anything but my body’s!! ahhhhh. I am not saying I don’t like snow or skiing or snowboarding anymore, its just that Suping is so awesome and I want to do it every day but can’t. Either way I am living in a great spot that allows me to do both without that much concern. Just a little drive either direction and bam! I am in happy country!! So, make the most out of your day and have fun no matter what you do!! ps, I am going skiing tomorrow! Wanna come?

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